AM Basketball/Soccer Intramurals! - Mr.Lamour and Mrs. Malloy from the PE department are running AM Basketball/Soccer intramurals for those students wishing to play. It runs from 6:50 am-7:20 am Mondays-Fridays from September 3rd-June 6. This is open to the first 30 who show up each morning for each sport. No entry after 7:10 AM. Enter through the exterior door to the main gym from outside across from the main stadium. Students will be required to sign-in daily. Any questions email LAST DAY WILL BE FRIDAY June 6th!!!!!
PM Fitness Center Intramurals/Fit Club - The Fitness Center is open to all students after school from 2:20-3:20 every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from September 3rd-June 5. Members of our PE staff will be there to assist with fitness routines and equipment instruction. No experience is necessary - bring water, bring a friend and get fit! This is open to the first 30 students who show each day and students will be required to sign-in daily. Any questions email LAST DAY WILL BE Thursday June 5th!!!