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Dec 16-20 is HOLIDAY SPIRIT WEEK, brought to you by the Purple Pack.
Sean Otterspoor

Next week is HOLIDAY SPIRIT WEEK, brought to you by the Purple Pack. (Please remember to reply to this email and send us your Holiday Spirit Pics when you dress up!)

Whether you're celebrating Winter Solstice on 12/21, Christmas on 12/25, Chanukah or Kwanzaa on 12/26, or just celebrating "hooray almost two weeks off from school" we want you to fest up!

  • Monday 12/16: Ugly Sweater Day - wear your holiday-est and ugliest sweater
  • Tuesday 12/17: Westhill Santacon - dress as everyone's favorite elf, or one of his helpers
  • Wednesday 12/18: Holiday Character Day - calling all Grinches, Frosty's, and so on!
  • Thursday 12/19: Color Wars - Upperclassmen (11 and 12) wear red, Underclassmen (9 and 10) wear green. Staff, support your favorite grade!
  • Friday 12/20: PJs - as we head off to break, wear your fave PJs! Holiday prints preferred!
Dec 16-20 is HOLIDAY SPIRIT WEEK, brought to you by the Purple Pack.