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The Westhill High School Viking
Sean Otterspoor

Students of Viking Country!

As you might have heard by now, there has been a change in the attendance policy that started September 9th of this school year. Below you'll find a link to the district's website outlining the update, the absence documentation form for you to request that your absences be marked excused or exempt, and a brief summary of the main changes. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Update on SPS Website:

WHS Absence Documentation Form:

Major Update: Students’ quarterly attendance will affect grading. If a student goes over 3 unexcused absences in a full block course (96 minutes) or more than 5 times in a half block course (48 minutes) in one quarter, their grade will turn into an “AGR” (Attendance Grade Recovery). If they had a passing grade, they will have the opportunity to change that “AGR” to their actual grade by staying under the attendance limit throughout the next quarter. If they do not stay under the attendance limit during the next quarter, their “AGR” will be changed to an “F”.

Actualización importante de la política de asistencia:

La asistencia trimestral de los estudiantes afectará la calificación. Si un estudiante tiene más de 3 ausencias injustificadas en un curso de bloque completo (96 minutos) o más de 5 veces en un curso de medio bloque (48 minutos) en un trimestre, su calificación se convertirá en una "AGR" (Recuperación de calificación de asistencia). Si tuvo una calificación aprobatoria, tendrá la oportunidad de cambiar esa "AGR" a su calificación real manteniéndose por debajo del límite de asistencia durante el próximo trimestre. Si no se mantiene por debajo del límite de asistencia durante el próximo trimestre, su "AGR" se cambiará a una "F".

Teachers Coding Attendance on PowerSchool: There are now 4 Codes for Attendance in PowerSchool

  • (A)= Unexcused Absence
  • (ET) = Excused Tardy
  • (TT) = Unexcused Tardy for less than half of block
  • (AT) = Absence Tardy for those who arrive after 50% of the class

The main takeaway is to be in class, on time, everyday! If you are absent for a legitimate reason, please use the form above to request it be excused or exempt on PowerSchool. If you have questions about attendance, please let me know.

Thank you!

Mr. Ortiz