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Absence Documentation

Students: Please fill in the following form when documenting your absence. You will need to use your school-issued Google Account. At the end, please upload written documentation as per the policy (for example: a doctor's note, court summons/appointment, official college visit invitation/email, or parent/guardian note). NOTE: YOU CAN ONLY UPLOAD ONE NOTE/ABSENCE AT A TIME. You can take a picture of your documentation (with your smartphone) and upload the picture. Please make sure the picture is CLEAR and all parts of your documentation are clearly visible, or it cannot be considered as an excuse or exemption. If there are any questions please contact your student's guidance counselor. 

Estudiantes: Complete el siguiente formulario cuando documente su ausencia. Deberá usar su cuenta de Google emitida por la escuela. final, suba la documentación escrita de acuerdo con la política (por ejemplo: una nota del médico, citación judicial / cita, invitación / correo electrónico oficial de visita a la universidad o nota de padre / tutor). NOTA: SOLO PUEDE CARGAR UNA NOTA / AUSENCIA A LA VEZ. Puede tomar una foto de su documentación (con su teléfono inteligente) y cargarla. Asegúrese de que la imagen esté CLARA y que todas las partes de su documentación sean claramente visibles, o no se puede considerar como una excusa o exención. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el consejero vocacional de su estudiante.


Attendance Policy Highlights:



Students are expected to come to school and class on time. Students who arrive late and have a pass get marked Excused Tardy (ET). Students who arrive without a pass will be marked Unexcused Tardy (UT). Unexcused Tardies cannot be appealed and will be considered unexcused absences as follows:

  1. Four (4) Unexcused Tardies to a class will be recorded as one (1) Unexcused Absence.
  2. Any Unexcused Tardy of more than 10 minutes (including arriving at school 10 minutes after the bell) will be counted as one (1) Unexcused Absence, even if the student is present for the remainder of the class period.
  3. Students arriving to school on a late bus, or due to any other situation communicated by administration by announcement/email, will be marked Excused Tardy


Loss of Credit:

To achieve a passing grade and credit in a course, students must be in attendance. Should a student be absent from a course in excess of five (5) unexcused absences per .5 credit course or ten (10) unexcused absences per 1 credit course, the student will lose credit for that course if an appeal is not granted. Absences will be coded as AE for “absence excused” or AU “absence unexcused”.

If a student violates the Attendance Policy, his/her transcript will reflect the appropriate loss of credit. Students are expected to attend class when credit is lost; regular attendance following loss of credit strengthens a student’s appeal. Students losing credit can still earn a passing grade in the course. The grade will be factored into the student’s grade point average and may be used as a prerequisite for future courses.


Attendance Codes: 

  • Blank=Present
  • A=Unexcused Absence
  • T=Unexcused Tardy
  • AT=Tardy Absence >10 Minutes
  • ET=Excused Tardy
  • BX=Bereavement
  • CX=Court Appearance
  • FX=School Related Activity/ Field Trip/ Testing
  • LX=Long Term Illness 
  • MHX=Mental Health Day (Only 2 per Year)
  • MX=Medical Exemption 
  • RX=Religious Holiday
  • SX=Out of School Suspension
  • IX=In School Suspension
  • EA=Early Dismissal
  • MA=Non-Emergency Medical Visit 
  • OA=Other
  • SA=Short-term illness
  • VA=College Visit/ Orientation 
  • AM=Awaiting Medical Documentation