Naviance is a comprehensive college and career readiness tool that can help students develop, organize, and monitor their Student Success Plan by aligning their strengths and interests to post-secondary goals, connecting learning to life.
Naviance allows students and families to:
- Complete and review results from ‘Do What You Are’ and ‘Career Interest Profiler’ to assist with post-high school planning
- Access college profiles
- Compare GPA, standardized test scores, and other statistics to actual historical data from Westhill students who have applied in the past
- View college representative visit schedules
- View scholarship information
- Create a resume
Naviance is also used by school counselors to submit official documents (student transcripts, recommendation letters, and school profile) to colleges and universities.
Instructions for students to log in to Naviance:
- Go to and click Student
- Click Continue With Clever
- Select Westhill High School - Stamford Public Schools, CT
- Use your student ID number as both your username and password
Instructions for students to log in to Naviance through Clever via the Google Single Sign On
1. Use these instructions and the log in below to access Naviance through Clever via the Google Single Sign On
2. Clever Log in Link