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Student Life


Westhill is a comprehensive high school with an array of college preparatory, AP and ECE courses. Students complete a true liberal arts education in pursuit of their high school diploma.  At Westhill, we ensure all students have the opportunity to acquire, analyze and apply knowledge.  Students are creative in collaborative work and always use critical thinking.

With over 2,000 students, there is a wide variety of student diversity. Struggling learners have the opportunity for support through a myriad of interventions and after school programs including Period 8 Tutoring, Success Tutoring, ALTA, and LEAP; as well as additional grant dependent after-school targeted academic support groups.

Our newly renovated media center incorporates technology with a collaborative design to support a dynamic and interactive approach to 21st century learning.

Westhill is the only comprehensive high school in Stamford which offers special programs such as JROTC, AgriScience, Academy of Finance and AVID.

Westhill offers a full complement of high school Varsity, JV and Freshman boys and girls athletics competing in both the FCIAC and CIAC.