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Electronic Databases

Subscription Resources

Computer Subscription Resources at Westhill High School

Click on the links below to access the website. To use at home pick up user name and password list in the Media Center.

CT Digital Library

Use your public library barcode number as your ID.

InfoTrac Student Edition - Designed for high school students, searches magazines, newspapers and reference books.

iCONN Newsstand - Newspaper articles from the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the Hartford Courant, and others.

General Reference Center Gold - Database to find articles from newspapers, reference books, magazines - includes images.

Health & Wellness Resources Center - Medical information for general readers and health professionals.

Informe (Revistas en Espanol) - Full text Spanish newspapers and magazines.

What Do I Read Next? - Reader's advisory - find another book by the criteria you set.

And more....

Gale Databases

Literature Resource Center - Biographies and critical analyses of authors.

Opposing Viewpoints Resource - Essays that present arguments on all side of an issue. Can be searched by issue or keyword. Most of the essays are primary sources.


Access World News - Find global information on topics related to controversial issues, current events, economics, education, health, social studies, science and more from a variety of news media including newspapers, newswires, blogs, periodicals, videos and web-only content including the Connecticut Post.

America's Historical Newspapers (1690-1922) - Provides a timeline and topic search covering issues and events, discoveries, literature, inventions and more from the Revolutionary War, Civil War, industrialization, the Progressive Era, WWI and other eras.

Popular Periodicals - Coverage of U.S. and international news, the arts, business, careers, history, health, science, sports, and technology from well-known and familiar magazines.

Science Source Collection - Articles, biographies, and digests explore science topics including diseases, mammals, the environment, and physics.

Stat Bank - Covers facts related to demographics, voting, environment, health and social issues for all 50 U.S. states and over 200 countries worldwide.

CQ Researcher

Pamphlets with information about important current issues. Includes an analysis of the issue, background information, a chronology, the future outlook for the topic, and two opposing viewpoint essays.

Facts on File Online

A database for news related information. Includes News Digests, Today's Science, Issues and Controversies on File, an Almanac, and an Almanac Encyclopedia.

ProQuest Professional Collection

Access to articles from a large collection of newspapers and journals. The only database that provides back articles from the New York Times.

ProQuest Products

eLibrary, Historical Newspapers, Literary criticism and author biographies, History Study Center.


An academic database great for AP classes and teachers doing graduate work!